just wanna share,rumah sewa dah jumpe..
hehehe.totally happy and rse lega..
sebab risaukan takot terpakse merempat nti..
my beloved housemate, ready to face the life together..
ingat,sentiasa giler,sewel,senget and sopan santun..hahahha
jom jom jom
do not forget TO WORK HARD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE..paksa diri jugak tau..
***bela kucing?hehehhe.tgklahh..i do hope that my ASLAN still there..
***mcm nak kne paksa memasak jugak..to save my money woo..
***tegur aku kalau aq malas belajar..penting nie!!..
hope,nanti semuanya berjalan dengan lancar yerk..
aq risau sgt2 weyh..sebab 9 subjek weyhh.its really hard..
lastly,tak sabar nak jumpe korang..sayang korang sangat-sangat.
again,thanks a lot because they accept me as what i am..
with love;