~~segmen promote blog~~

assalamualaikum and hye everyone! this is the first time aq join segmen yang ade dekat dunia blog nie.teruja! ahaks, (=

tarikh xingat,tapi actually aq start join dunia blog nie since 2007 untill 2009 if i am not mistaken.then,aq stop kejap.too busy.ahaks, and mood nk tulis blog gone by the wind.hahaha.so, skrg nie rse semangat balik tulis blog..hehehhee..
followers pulakk.sumpah,bapak ciput..bawu 15 ketul je kan..sebab aq dulu blogwalking tp x penah nk promot blog aq dkt org yg aq x kenal..setakat mmber2 jerk aq promot...hahhaa.so,dlm segmen nie..aq nk try something new..rse malu jugak sebab follower sgt sket je kan.hahhaa.tp,klo x cuber nasib..kita x taw kan what is going to be happen next.hehhehee.