Wordless wednesday : Oreo Cheese Cake

Aummmmm,,,yummyyy.... *dalam kepala nak try buat sendiri*

Wordless Wednesday

What is first come to your mind? Lets share with me..
Drop your comments here or  email to farahain8291@yahoo.com.my or facebook.com/ZFA partner.

Update entri pakai tab

Assalamualaikum and hye hye to all the bloggers..
Just a short entri since i have no leisure time to blogwalking .. Haish,, guano nak naik kan followers gini kalau xblogwalking? Hurrmm,,
Well, disebabkan busy sket, cian lappy saya tuh dh lama tak dilayan.. So, right now update entri, tgk komen, check pageviews guna ipad ibu je..
But, it slightly awkward kan..sebab kalau guna lappy, kite dengan penuh emosi menekan keypad , instead of guna tab nie.yg fully touch screen.. Phew!
Just wanna asking you,,yess youu yang rajin baca entri ain niee...
Which do you prefer to update your blog? Guna lappy/computer or guna binatang canggih canggih terlebih macam tab/pad/smartphone...
Dont forget to drop your comment yaw! See you again..
***oh,btw, if you feel that you wanna share business with me, saya menadah tangan dengan terbuka untuk mendengar nya dan membacanya.well, business is an art actually if we know dimana seni nya sebenarnya..hehehehe..
Feel free to drop it at : farahain8291@yahoo.com.my or facebook.com/ZFApartner

Bye! Assalamualaikum..tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang..amek tagline kak maria elena.hehehe.