~~segmen promote blog~~

assalamualaikum and hye everyone! this is the first time aq join segmen yang ade dekat dunia blog nie.teruja! ahaks, (=

tarikh xingat,tapi actually aq start join dunia blog nie since 2007 untill 2009 if i am not mistaken.then,aq stop kejap.too busy.ahaks, and mood nk tulis blog gone by the wind.hahaha.so, skrg nie rse semangat balik tulis blog..hehehhee..
followers pulakk.sumpah,bapak ciput..bawu 15 ketul je kan..sebab aq dulu blogwalking tp x penah nk promot blog aq dkt org yg aq x kenal..setakat mmber2 jerk aq promot...hahhaa.so,dlm segmen nie..aq nk try something new..rse malu jugak sebab follower sgt sket je kan.hahhaa.tp,klo x cuber nasib..kita x taw kan what is going to be happen next.hehhehee.


assalamualaikum and say hye to everyone..
just wanna share,rumah sewa dah jumpe..
hehehe.totally happy and rse lega..
sebab risaukan takot terpakse merempat nti..
my beloved housemate, ready to face the life together..
ingat,sentiasa giler,sewel,senget and sopan santun..hahahha
do not forget TO WORK HARD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE..paksa diri jugak tau..
***bela kucing?hehehhe.tgklahh..i do hope that my ASLAN still there..
***mcm nak kne paksa memasak jugak..to save my money woo..
***tegur aku kalau aq malas belajar..penting nie!!..
hope,nanti semuanya berjalan dengan lancar yerk..
aq risau sgt2 weyh..sebab 9 subjek weyhh.its really hard..
lastly,tak sabar nak jumpe korang..sayang korang sangat-sangat.
again,thanks a lot because they accept me as what i am..

with love;


assalamualaikum and hye hye hye.tajuk entry sekolah muzik?woah,sound interesting kan?erk,,okeyh..perasan kejap!.

around 11am tadi aq tolong hntr abg aq gi kelas gitar dekat taman perling,jb.mesti korg terfikir knape aq lah yg kne tlg hntr?sbbnye abg aq demam teruk.xleyh drive.so,adik dia yg bermurah hati nie wpun mengantuk layan kn jelah.penyakit mengantuk nie mmg sllu dtg nak2 klo semester break.hahhaha..

owh,lately ni jugak aq dh terase mcm jd secretary..surat ker,important document ker or any things that related to my brother and my youngest brother work aq kne wat.mne yg mmpu aq tlg aq tlg.best jugak weyh!mak aq siap pesan agi,nnti 10% of your profit bagi kat ain.hahahaa..

proceed about the school of music,aq pon hntr lah abg aq tuhh.nak sgt belajar main gitar.even dy boleh lah expert but dy nak lebih byk info kott.biaq pi dy lahh.suppose to be semalam.but then,dy kerja at the same time terlalu sakit,so postponed the class.

he said that best lah bljr situ.lagipun around 30minute jerk belajar.

aq nie plak dok layan perasaan dlm keta.pe lagi.increase kan volume radio and karoke lahh.hahhaa.aq x peduli org nak kata ape.sambil2 tuh,aq buat bajet for next semester..wah,,kena byk berjimat nie..hahaha..

oh yerk,actually it is not like the normal school.i mean it is actually sebuah kedai muzik at the same time dy bukak kelas tok mgajar.

so,sambil2 dengar lagu tuh..as usual.tengok gelagat manusia.itu hobi aq.hehehe.aq tgk ramai budak comel plak tuh..masuk dlm tempat tuhh.teringat aq kecik2 dulu pakai beg kaler pink,baju 1 set warna pink..wah!i miss zaman muda-muda dulu..hahhaa.

majoriti budak2 nie adlh chinese.and kebanyakannya singaporean.aq rse lah.sbb nmpk dyorg turun kereta no flat singapore.

my brother told me that dyorg nie majority belajar main keyboard and piano.sound like great kn..rumah aq ade keyboard tp aq xpenah ade niat nak belajar.

sbb aq xsuke bljr baca note2 tuh.so,dlm kepala otak aq terus berangan yg nti klo aq ade anak,aq nk dy bljr muzik.if dy minatlah.klo x,xkn nk paksa.hehhehe.

actually belajar muzik nie best tau..padahal baca note pon x reti!so,klo nak suruh aq masuk dlm bidang muzik,setakat jd vokalis tuh boleh lahh..

nak main instrument tuhhh.mintak maaff..xreti..and xde niat nak mgetahui nya.hahhaaa..

so,pada korang yg suke pada bidang muzik nie,proceed with that!

well, irama dan lagu memang x dapat dipisahkan.hahaha.okey that it.. ~~ain8291~~