wah,tajuk entry sgt xmenahan dan sgt xbleyh blah kan.hahaha.okey,sgt BERSYUKUR with my result.even i expect more,tp sbg manusia biasa kita kne terima qadha dan qadar yg ditentukan oleh allah.previous entry aq kn aq ckp aq minat sbject financial and operation management.but,i didn't satisfy with this 2 xdpt ape yg aq nk even pointer aq tau ade sbb knape aq dpt result mcm gini.first,aq happy sbb tgk pointer dulu.getting better as compare to the previous semester.but,unfortunately, i didn't get what i actually want.i believe that ALLAH nak suruh budak nama ain nie kne terima fikir setiap kegembiraan akn ade kesedihan.its something that like pro n cons..i'm happy with the result.but,im too sad when i heard my friends is now hurting.honestly,aq terase dyorg menjauhkan diri dari aq.sbb aq dh ke depan.dyorg kt blakang.hey,,aq dh penah rse jatuh lahh.cukup lah kt matrik aq jatuh terduduk giler2.smpai aq pnah nk berhenti sem1 and masuk aq ingt fmly aq bg semangat.suruh teruskan jerk.and now,alhamdulilah aq naik sedikit demi percaya kenapa allah xnk bagi aq terus naik sampai ats.allah nak suruh aq nie berusaha.and i believe in D.U.I.T meaning.doa,usaha,ikhtiar,tawakal.tanpa lakukan semua nie aq xkn dpt kejayaan dlm hidup aq.geng,klo korang rse aq nie belagak ke sbb tnye result,and bgtaw result aq..u are totally wrong.sbb aq hnye akan share kejayaan dan kegembiraan aq dkt org yg aq syg korg mcmne aq syg fmly,if u r think badly on's up to akan terus berjalan walaupun aq penat.dlm hidup aq nie,dah mcm2 dugaan lah dtg.dari aq kecik smpai dh penah rse susah.and penah rse tanpa ALLAH,aq xmampu lalui semua benda nie.klo korang ckp ko boleh ar nak nasihat nak ckp cmnie lah cmtu's up to you.hati org mne kita boleh baca kan.cukup dh biasa dgn permainan dunia penah kne pulau,aq penah kne tikam dh kuat terima sume benda nie.and now,aq dh mula nmpk kwn2 aq sbnrnya mcm ner.sometimes its better not to say anything rather than to say how you truly feel and make things getting more worse.i'm so sorry if i make them hurt.


fine! what can i say just now, sgt2 takut to see my second semester result.sumpah,cuak giler.hopefully lulus semua subjek and dpt pointer lebih baik dari sem lepas..ntahlah,4 da 2nd sem nie,subjek killer yg betul2 menikam dada aq nie ialah human resource management.i dunt know why kepala otak aq nie agak xbuleyh terima dgn subjek nie.mintak maaf lah klo lecturer sakit hati baca jwpn,favourite subjek aq of coz lah financial management and operation management.sorry,i didn't fallin in love too much to marketing subject even though i am the marketing student as well.hehehehe.subjek finance tuh sbb calculation which is i am addicted with it.operation management pulak sbb lecturer nye kot even the subject quite bored but seems like i do score more on this subject.but,.badly said that i do not perform well both tuh x penah2 format soalan mcm gitu tetibe aq terasa nak pitam time jwb.i feel like yes,aq gagal utk dpt A 4 this subject.operation management plak xpenah2 keluar sampai 7soalan and kena jwb semua dlm masa 3jam.honestly, i feel give up,memang down teramat sgt sbb x dpt perform well pada favourite subject.but but but,,ain ain..nak buat lagu mane ceq oi!.just see your result.after that,analyze on dat either you deserve to get that or not.what can i say.insyallah,ALLAH akn tolong ain. hope that i can collect as much as i can the capital A for this 2nd semester result.amin. :)

an introduction of the story

this is my life.fully name nur farahain but comfortable just call me AIN.actually,mula-mula dulu my parent tend to called up my name as FARAH.but,unfortunately adik aq xreti sebut nama farah itu..he tend to call up as PARAH.fine!ko jelos kn dgn nama aq.sbb sedap,ko buruk kn.hahha.okeyhh,just laugh!then,mula2 msuk skola pon introduce nama dgn farah.but,ramai pulak nama farah dlm kls tu.see,what a popular name i has.hahaha.see,perasan kn!.so,utk tidak mengelakkan dari kekeliruan.saya dgn ini selesa dgn nama ain itu.smpai skrg.but,kdg2 ade jugak org sebut nama aq farah.then,kwn2 aq yg dh kenal aq akn tergelak.jahat betul..proceed with the date aq di lahirkan iaitu pd 8feb1991 pukul 11 pagi kot.tah,didn't analyze on that.hehehe.yer,sy ank ppuan sorg dari tiga beradik.yes,,i know your next question.xbosan ker sorg ppuan?the answer is NO!.sbb tuh perangai agk2 boyish sket.dh sllu kne recruit cara lelaki depend on ourself.klo kita tawu bwk diri kita,best lah life kita.cehwah!because of my attitude similiar like a boy.ade sorg kwn aq ni penah sound aq 'ko nie cm tomboy ar'.fine!sbb that time aq dok sibuk2 tnye ape game play station yg dyorg that ade benda nak borak dgn siblings aq nti.hahaha.okeyh,lps dh kne sound tegak,aq pon mule lah jd mcm girlish sket.actually aq nie nmpk kasar but still perangai ppuan tuh masih sebati dlm jiwa.hahha.then,aq mmg ramai kwn laki.xdinafikan.dh adik beradik pun lelaki kan.disebabkn itu lah ade kwn aq panggil aq playgirl.suka hati mulut dia jerk.hello,define the meaning of 'playgirl' dulu baru gelar dkt org tuh okey.for me,the definition of playgirl is that girl make a relationship i mean serius relationship to many guys and tend to melakukan aktiviti flirting.hahhaa.okeh,saya sudah mula merojak kn bahasa.maklomlah dh lme x mkn mee rojak!yes,,i do have so many kawan lelaki but i know the limitation aq sendiri x penah nk halang aq berkawan dgn sesiapa what cik kak dan cik abg?even though i have so many boyfriend,hehehe.please differentiate it.saya setia okeh.fine,xnk usik psl hati dan story on what on my favourite.yeehha,,i'm totally addicted to pink colour.i don't know.bajet girlish ar ain ko nk letak sume stuff ko kaler pink.hahahaa.and my answer is easy. so what baby?hahahaha.not just that, i do love orange colour because this colour give an inspiration sbb warne dia tuh sakit mata. i like.dari jauh senang nampak..enough of that,how bout my behaviour?see,at first people normally tend to judge me as 'minah kerek' and sombong ar ko.dh biasa dgr.xkesah pon.cume sakit hati sket jerk.hahhaha.okeyh,the reason is saya mmg susah nk semakin meningkat dewasa nie,aq dh mula kurangkan percentage sikap sombong aq tuh.hahahha.then,benda nie mmg sllu dh kne sound.KETAWA KUAT!.yer,inilah kelemahan saya dan juga kelebihan saya.dh cube dh sket2 gelak sopan tp kdg2 tabiat tuh dgn di sengajakan telah terkeluar di khalayak,ketawa jelah.hahaha.okeyh.enough talking bout perangai kau yg x senonoh tuh ain.for more information,do ask me.surely i will tell you.hahaha.ape lagi nak membebel,ohhh saya anak jati johor.dilahirkan di johor bahru.okeyyhh,idea dh hilangg.i think that enough of my introduction.again,do keep asking me if u need to know more about me okay.*pstt;actually aq penah tulis blog tp almost 3years aq tinggal kn dunia bloging,this is my new inspire.masih segar dari peti ais rumah aq.hahaha.tapi knape lama tinggalkan smpai binatang2 buat sarang and sampai dah x buleyh bukak lgsg?hah,tuh yg kita x taw.hahaha..i think that good enough for my introduction.okey,you you you..nama i ain..and you? :)