run to give


Berlari di pagi hari ahad! 

Siapa yang sanggup kan? Selalunya pagi pagi ahad berhujung minggu pasti lah beronok ronok rehat dekat rumah. Tapi , tidak pada aku pada 20 Oktober 2019. Aku gagahkan diri untuk join the run. Bukan 100 m yer , bukan jugak 1KM , bukan jugak 3Km malah 5KM. Aku ni pulak jenis memang benci pada run apatah lagi nak masuk run 5km kan. Tahun 2019 ni juga merupakan penglibatan aku yang pertama kali dalam run ni. Mungkin perangai aku setahun sekali je kot join program run. Hahaha.

Bertempat di Ponderosa Golf Country & Club , itulah permulaan lariannya. Aku akui memang aku training well. HAHAHA. 2 minggu sebelum tarikh ni aku pulun joging setiap hari dan seminggu sebelum tu aku workout untuk dapatkan stamina. 
run to give
muka bangga lepas 5km! hahaha
YES! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! (Tak lawak okay bila aku cakap benda ni pada diri aku) Aku memang bangga dengan diri aku sebab aku tahu berlari ialah bukan apa yang aku suka. Aku benci berlari sebab aku gemuk! Tapi , hari itu semua nya ibarat paid off! Aku tak kesah kalau orang nak cakap aku poyo lah baru join satu run je , medal pun tahun ni dapat seketul je. Hahaha. TAPI , THAT MY JOURNEY BITCH! YOU WATCH ME , LET ME DO! I WORK FOR MYSELF NOT YOURS. 

KBYE...ter caps lock pulak! By the way , terima kasih kepada Renaissance Johor Bahru Hotel kerana melaksanakan program sebegini. Semua pelari yang turut serta sangatlah supportive. Aku ingat masa aku dah pancit pada 3KM tu , the runner keep support aku "come on come on". Sedangkan kita semua stranger among us tapi we still keep moving forward.

Konklusinya , hari itu sebenarnya...aku Run to Give...My lemak! Aku sanggup bangun pagi dihujung minggu dan berlari demi membakar lemak. HAAHAHA. 

Thanks again , Renaissance Johor Bahru!

“The annual charity run is a key activity of our company’s TakeCare programme that empowers
associates to live our culture. Through the programme, we encourage our associates to take care of
their physical well-being, while providing them with the opportunity to be part of a community that
respects, shares kindness and contributes to a more compassionate world,” said Regan
Taikitsadaporn, Chief Human Resources Officer, Marriott International Asia Pacific.

This year, Renaissance Johor Bahru Hotel under Marriott Business Council-Malaysia to raise funds
for National Kidney Foundation Malaysia to purchase three dialysis machines in support of
TakeCare programme; the run expects to gather 200 Marriott International associates, affiliates
and athletes.

“Run to Give is the event where Marriott International associates and publics came together in
Johor Bahru as one organization to fund-raise for local communities,” added Gagan Singh, General
Manager of Renaissance Johor Bahru Hotel. “This is the third time we organized the charity run to
immense response; with the support from our associates as well as the publics, we are confident
that Run to Give 2019 will accomplish more than we ever could alone.”


Image may contain: buah nangka


Pada hari sabtu yang lepas , waktu tu aku tengah dok exercise dekat rumah je. Aku workout bukak youtube ,pastu ikut jelah ape yang di suruh. Tengah tergolek , lompat ke atas ke bawah ketepi , kakak Tini bagi salam . Dia tengah dok mengait nangka depan rumah aku tuh haa. Aku cakap lah , "Kak ...kejap ehk.. Ain tengah exercise!" Hahahaha.

Masih lagi exercise tapi dah nak habis dah waktu tu , si kecik The NF Generation pulak bagi salam. Tak tentu arah kak Ain dia ni nak habiskan exercise. Dengan peluh peluh tercunggap cunggap , aku pun keluar. Memang selekeh serabai nak mampus waktu tu ,(ada ke orang exercise masih herlok je?) Hahahaha.

Aku siap bawak air masak lagi pergi ke rumah diorang. Eee , aku kalau tengah berpeluh memang tak selesa nak rapat dekat dekat dengan orang. HAHAHA. Alamak , si kecik Fahrina dan Farisya ni boleh pulak nak rapat dan dekat dengan aku. Hahaha. Siap bisik membisik lagi nak buat surprise.

Tapi yang kelakarnya , Kak Tini yang banyak kopek. Kak Ain ni banyak menyuap ke mulut diorang je. Hahaha. Diorang memang suka betul nangka madu tu. Rezeki kami pokok nangka tu memang berbuah je. 

Padahal memang tak letak baja ke dan jaga pun tak sangat. Tapi , itu lah rezeki Allah tu kita tak tahu kan bentuk nya macam mana. Semoga lebih banyak hasil lah ehk. Aku niat nak kongsi dengan anak-anak jiran yang lain dan kawan-kawan sama. 

Seronok betul sambil kopek , sambil suap menyuap dekat diorang dan sambil berbual.Terima kasih juga kepada Kak Tini sebab selalu tolong tengokkan.



Marrybrown and Hospital Sultan Ismail join forces to bring joy among children

Johor Bahru, 14 October 2019 – Malaysia’s first and largest homegrown fast-food chain, Marrybrown proudly announced their first collaboration with Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor Bahru with the  recent opening and handover of MB Playland, a children’s play area fully supported by Marrybrown for Hospital Sultan Ismail.

A collaboration aspired to spread joy among children at the hospital, MB Playland is also an initiative targeted to provide children with fun-filled games that will leave a positive impact on their well-being and, at the same time, generate a positive vibe within the hospital environment.

MB Playland marks a significant start of Marrybrown’s CSR initiative under the umbrella of Marrybrown Charities Association. Stepping up to help create a better future for Malaysians, Marrybrown kick-starts Marrybrown Charities Association with the purpose to provide help and support for underprivileged children, single mothers and senior citizens through various charity events.
(4th from left) Encik Md Taib @ Md Noh bin Abd Samad, Project Director of Marrybrown Charities Association; Dato Lawrence Liew Chairman of Marrybrown Charities Association; Datin Nancy Liew, Managing Director of Marrybrown ; Dr. Khairul Rizal bin Othman, Deputy Director (Medical 1) of Hospital Sultan Ismail; Pn Muliati bt Mustafa, Deputy Director (Management) Hospital Sultan Ismail.

Chairman of Marrybrown Charities Association, Dato’ Lawrence Liew said that they have always been participating in various charity activities since the beginning of their business start-up as he always believed in giving back to the society.  

“We are very proud to collaborate with Hospital Sultan Ismail as we open the first MB Playland here in Johor Bahru. Marrybrown targets to raise a positive thinking and confident child through MB Playland, which serves as an appropriate distraction especially for young patients coming for treatment. There is a need for children to play and enjoy themselves even while waiting for medical treatment, and Hospital Sultan Ismail is proven to have the perfect space to develop a playland in its premise,” said Dato’ Lawrence.

Focusing on elevating the lives of underprivileged children, single mothers and senior citizens, Marrybrown intends to develop the standard of living and quality of life by providing the right education and welfare - contributing to social harmony and peace.

“Helping the needy isn't only about providing donations or money, but to also understand the background they come from and nevertheless still support them in the slightest way possible.

“It has always been our utmost priority to put people first, be it our employees, customers or the community. It is such an honor to collaborate with Hospital Sultan Ismail in working towards empowering the community and we hope that through this partnership, we can extend our support in many other ways,” added Dato’ Lawrence.
(L-R) ; Datin Nancy Liew,Managing Director of Marrybrow; Dr. Khairul Rizal bin Othman, Deputy Director (Medical 1) of Hospital Sultan Ismail; Dato Lawrence Liew, Chairman of Marrybrown Charities Association sharing a moment with the children at MB Playland

After MB Playland, Marrybrown Charities Association will be focusing on fundraising by organising charity events and activities which will involve the public to be part of their CSRs. Additionally, Marrybrown will also be placing their donation box in every outlet where everyone can contribute to the society and make a difference.

Since the opening of its first outlet back in 1981, Marrybrown has grown locally and abroad successfully as Malaysia’s first and largest fast food chain, with more than 500 locations across 16 countries. As a proud Malaysian-born brand, Marrybrown is always committed to giving back to society with various programmes under Marrybrown Charities Association umbrella, focusing on providing for underprivileged children, single mothers and senior citizens.

For more information on Marrybrown, please visit:

Instagram: Marrybrownmy
Youtube: MarrybrownTV

Image may contain: 11 people, including Helmi Julia, Nur Decamellia, Siti Rohaida Yusof, Siti Suziana Mustakim, FarahMerican IsahakMerican, Nur Farahain and Idayu Azman, people smiling, people standing
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