JOHOR BAHRU - Good news for all food lovers! Let's bring your friends and family to Hotel Granada Johor Bahru for various food promotion to pacify your taste buds before we end the year 2018 with our international cuisines!

Granada Express Lunch and Dinner at Olla Restaurant

Relax and chill out with the Granada Express Lunch and Dinner at Olla Restaurant located in Ground Floor with special highlights such as 'Chicken Percik With Rice' , 'Baked Penne Cheese' and 'Olla Chef's Signature'. Our finest culinary team under the tutelage of Chef Eus presents a twist in Olla Chef's Signature served with Specialty Rice, prepared with a mixture of pineapple, bean curd, and Thai sauce which give an aromatic and zesty flavours.

"Our smokey chicken is garnished with specialty crafted gravy and we maintain the Malay method of cooking called sangai that is translated as oil-free frying to give it a different of taste. Do mind the big portion as you can share it for two!" said Chef Eus during the food presentation.

Chicken Percik with Rice

For this quarter, our 'Chicken Percik with Rice' and 'Baked Cheese Penne' would be a perfect combo of international cuisines to dine with under the Granada Express Lunch and Dinner promotion. The famous local dish, Chicken Percik with Rice would definitely ring a bell as the dish was commonly found during Ramadan month but satisfy that craving here as you will pampered with a fusion Percik sauce.
nasi ayam percik hotel granada johor bahru

nasi ayam percik hotel granada johor bahru

Chicken Percik with Rice

Baked Cheese Penne

Tired of the same old baked mac ' n cheese, pasta or lasagna? You are in for a treat in Olla Restaurant with our 'Baked Cheese Penne' served with carbonara sauce slices of turkey and extra pull string cheese to fulfill that empty stomach!
Baked Cheese Penne Hotel Granada Johor Bahru

Baked Cheese Penne Hotel Granada Johor Bahru
Baked Cheese Penne
Dessert Hotel Granada Johor Bahru

Drinks Hotel Granada Johor Bahru

Drinks Hotel Granada Johor Bahru
Dessert or Drink 

Get your order ready with Granada Express Lunch and Dinner an affordable price of only RM13 nett and complete your meal  with additionlal RM5 for a signature dessert or a drink. Pay RM35 nett per a plate of Olla Chef's Signature and you can share it for two! Catch all the tasty international flavours available daily and check out our website at for more exciting offers! For more enquiries, feel free to contact us at +607-2318888

Hotel Granada Johor Bahru
Ain & Sis Lin (JDT Blogger) with others media and Care Luxury Team



Raising funds for the National Stroke Association of Malaysia (NASAM) in conjuction with World Heart Day 2018.

JOHOR 13 Oktober 2018 - Regency Specialist Hospital (Regency) flagged off its charity ride and fitness marathon today with the aim to raise funds for a new rehabilitation building of National Stroke Association of Malaysia (NASAM), Johor Bahru.

With a strong focus on caring for the heart, Regency's key message was "Preventive healthcare and wellness through regular screening".
kredit pic : Sis Lin

Serena Yong, Chief Executive Officer of Regency Specialist Hospital said, "The heart is said to be the hardest working muscle in the body. Whether we are awake or asleep, our heart continues its role yet often times, we tend to disregard it's wellbeing by poor eating habits, lack of exercise or smoking. As a medical institution, we hope to do our part in promoting a healthier lifestyle with a strong key message, and the aim of transforming lives". 

She added that funds were raised in forms of sponsors, corporate donations and charity sale of special World Heart Day Doughnut. Together with corporate funding. Regency raised more than RM6,000 directly channelled to NASAM. 

Other indoor programmes made available were : basic health screening and free lipid test , blood donation drive, face painting and kid's colouring contest to keep young ones entertained. 

Meanwhile, on a fitness scale outdoors, participants were seen in two categories : 12km cycling and fitness marathon.

Flagging off at 8am, the ride took on a scenic route of key areas within the city. With approximately 2.5 hours to complete, the cycling event concluded at its starting point; Regency Specialist Hospital.
Together with the fitness marathon, an estimated 700 pax were seen participating.

Having recently relocated their Physiotheraphy department, its has now evolved into an expanded Rehabilitation Centre. With new on board rehabilitation physician, the hospital now house extended services such as cardiac rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation and spinal cord injury rehabilitation. New equipments are added showcasing comprehensive rehabilitation services.

Adding on, Yong said, "With these continued initiatives, we aim to drive our partners, business partners, community and our staff to synergise together and raise awareness to improve healthcare quality within the community and in long run, to find better solutions on current health issues by providing latest medical diagnostics and treatment".

Yong concluded, "At Regency, we are committed to building a healthy and thriving community, where we undertake the improvement of everyone's health and not just or our patients."

Managed by Health Management International Group and in line with their recent rebranding exercise, Regency reinforced its pledge to the community - Together, we build a healthier society

Thanks Sis Lin sudi ajak kita :) 
Kita bersukan juga kan , tengok orang main basikal dengan zumba.



Hari ini waktu aku menulis isi ceritanya ialah masa diluangkan sepenuhnya bersama dengan Sis Lin . Kau orang tak kenal dia ? Korang wajib kena kenal. Majoriti blogger mesti kenal dia . Aku ni level sendu je kalau letak sebelah dia. Kah ! Hahaha . Hari ini , aku belajar tentang move on dengan cara yang mudah ! Life is easy actually cuma kita je suka fikir kusut-kusut sampai kelaut . 

Gais , aku rasa tindakan aku membuat keputusan untuk spent masa aku dengan dia sangat teramat berbaloi . The things is she teach me like everything! Tentang blog itu satu hal lah . Tapi dia ajar aku cara move on paling mudah . Nak tahu ke tidak ni ? Ke korang jenis susah nak move on ? Tak baik menipu diri sendiri tau . Hahaha .
move on (akuainkausiapa)
13 October waktu Pagi

Jujurnya , aku memang manusia paling susah nak move on ! Tapi bila aku lepak dengan Sis , mak oi patutla dia boleh gelak lagi dasyat dari aku ! Hahaha. Sis ajar aku sebelum akhiri hari dia , dia akan delete semua conversation yang tak penting dalam whatsapp , clearkan semua browsing di handphone mahupun di laptop. Like everything! Gila ! Aku tak pernah nampak orang buat macam gitu .

Cepat betul dia move on ....

Terus dalam kepala otak aku dan mulut aku cakap “Wow Sis cepat gila move on” Sis jawab “ginilah Sis hari-hari” . Maksudnya dekat sini ialah Sis mengajar aku yang hari ini biarlah hari ini punya cerita, esok bukak cerita baru. Mulakan chatting dan conversation yang baru . Perghhh , aku tabik spring betul dia. Semudah itu dia ajar aku something ni! Something yang aku terlepas pandang dalam life aku sebagai Nur Farahain.

Aku jenis susah nak move on! Aku akui aku tak gunakan 1hari sepenuhnya dalam tempoh 24jam yang Allah berikan pada aku itu. Sedihnya rasa. Terima kasih tuhan , Engkau hantarkan hambaMu untuk aku pelajari sesuatu. Lagi sekali aku nak pesan , kau boleh tipu semua orang dengan wajah ceria gelak tawa kau , tapi kau tak boleh tipu diri kau sendiri ! That the worst part ever in yourlife ! Gila aku speaking london terus bab-bab sentap gini. Hahaha.
move on (akuainkausiapa)
13 Octover waktu petang

Kesimpulannya , ada orang lain cara dia move on. Betul! Dont denied on that point. Tapi, kalau kau dah jumpa shortcuts to cut all your shit , adakah kau masih nak pilih jalan yang panjang? The choice is always YOURS 💜
#terimakasihtuhan #moveonitubukanmudah #tapiianyasatupilihan #pilihlahdenganbijak
#bbnu 😂