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Marrybrown and Hospital Sultan Ismail join forces to bring joy among children

Johor Bahru, 14 October 2019 – Malaysia’s first and largest homegrown fast-food chain, Marrybrown proudly announced their first collaboration with Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor Bahru with the  recent opening and handover of MB Playland, a children’s play area fully supported by Marrybrown for Hospital Sultan Ismail.

A collaboration aspired to spread joy among children at the hospital, MB Playland is also an initiative targeted to provide children with fun-filled games that will leave a positive impact on their well-being and, at the same time, generate a positive vibe within the hospital environment.

MB Playland marks a significant start of Marrybrown’s CSR initiative under the umbrella of Marrybrown Charities Association. Stepping up to help create a better future for Malaysians, Marrybrown kick-starts Marrybrown Charities Association with the purpose to provide help and support for underprivileged children, single mothers and senior citizens through various charity events.
(4th from left) Encik Md Taib @ Md Noh bin Abd Samad, Project Director of Marrybrown Charities Association; Dato Lawrence Liew Chairman of Marrybrown Charities Association; Datin Nancy Liew, Managing Director of Marrybrown ; Dr. Khairul Rizal bin Othman, Deputy Director (Medical 1) of Hospital Sultan Ismail; Pn Muliati bt Mustafa, Deputy Director (Management) Hospital Sultan Ismail.

Chairman of Marrybrown Charities Association, Dato’ Lawrence Liew said that they have always been participating in various charity activities since the beginning of their business start-up as he always believed in giving back to the society.  

“We are very proud to collaborate with Hospital Sultan Ismail as we open the first MB Playland here in Johor Bahru. Marrybrown targets to raise a positive thinking and confident child through MB Playland, which serves as an appropriate distraction especially for young patients coming for treatment. There is a need for children to play and enjoy themselves even while waiting for medical treatment, and Hospital Sultan Ismail is proven to have the perfect space to develop a playland in its premise,” said Dato’ Lawrence.

Focusing on elevating the lives of underprivileged children, single mothers and senior citizens, Marrybrown intends to develop the standard of living and quality of life by providing the right education and welfare - contributing to social harmony and peace.

“Helping the needy isn't only about providing donations or money, but to also understand the background they come from and nevertheless still support them in the slightest way possible.

“It has always been our utmost priority to put people first, be it our employees, customers or the community. It is such an honor to collaborate with Hospital Sultan Ismail in working towards empowering the community and we hope that through this partnership, we can extend our support in many other ways,” added Dato’ Lawrence.
(L-R) ; Datin Nancy Liew,Managing Director of Marrybrow; Dr. Khairul Rizal bin Othman, Deputy Director (Medical 1) of Hospital Sultan Ismail; Dato Lawrence Liew, Chairman of Marrybrown Charities Association sharing a moment with the children at MB Playland

After MB Playland, Marrybrown Charities Association will be focusing on fundraising by organising charity events and activities which will involve the public to be part of their CSRs. Additionally, Marrybrown will also be placing their donation box in every outlet where everyone can contribute to the society and make a difference.

Since the opening of its first outlet back in 1981, Marrybrown has grown locally and abroad successfully as Malaysia’s first and largest fast food chain, with more than 500 locations across 16 countries. As a proud Malaysian-born brand, Marrybrown is always committed to giving back to society with various programmes under Marrybrown Charities Association umbrella, focusing on providing for underprivileged children, single mothers and senior citizens.

For more information on Marrybrown, please visit:

Instagram: Marrybrownmy
Youtube: MarrybrownTV

Image may contain: 11 people, including Helmi Julia, Nur Decamellia, Siti Rohaida Yusof, Siti Suziana Mustakim, FarahMerican IsahakMerican, Nur Farahain and Idayu Azman, people smiling, people standing
JDT Blogger 


Image may contain: 27 people, including Nur Farahain, people smiling, people standing and indoor


Aku rasa ramai je orang dah upload gambar ber 'ootd' di Encore Melaka ni. Rata-rata kalau kita scroll location di Instagram , Encore Melaka , pasti ramai sangat teruja untuk bergambar di bangunan yang bentuknya sangat rare dan unik. Namun , disebalik bentuk binaan bangunan itu sebenarnya tersimpan satu cerita. Certia tentang negeri Melaka. Cerita itu dipentaskan dan dilakonkan secara live oleh 200 local performers.

Apa yang menariknya tentang persembahan teater ini? Pentas yang digunakan berpusing 360 darjah! Ia betul. Berpeluang menonton sebanyak dua kali , pengalaman menonton teater ini harus aku catitkan di dalam blog ini. Pada mulanya aku tak berapa nak faham sangat apa sebenarnya mesej yang hendak disampaikan di dalam teater ini.
Image may contain: 3 people, including Nur Farahain and Nur Fatihah, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor
ootd dulu dekat luar sebelum masuk menonton teater

Tapi , bila dah dua kali tengok baru ler aku faham susunan cerita ini. Satu pentas yang berpusing 360 darjah dan dipersembahkan sebanyak tujuh babak sudah mampu membuatkan penonton faham kenapa Melaka itu sebagai sebuah negeri yang selalu dikunjungi para pelancong. Antara tujuh babak itu ialah Parameswara , Cheng Ho , Perkahwinan Nyonya , 6 Ibu , Wanita yang mengandung , Wau dan akhir sekali babak akhir yang mempersembahkan kesemua 200 local performers tampil ke atas pentas.
Image may contain: night
Image may contain: one or more people and night
Image may contain: night and text
Apakah babak yang paling aku minati?

6  Ibu ! Babak ini telah berjaya menyentuh hati aku. Rasa nak menangis juga sebabnya ialah ibu aku kan dah meninggal. Pada pertama kali aku menonton , aku memang tak faham maksud disebalik 6 ibu itu. Apabila menonton kali kedua baru la aku faham. M.E.L.A.K.A itu lah simbolik kepada enam ibu itu. Paling sedih bila mahu mengambil gambar sekeluarga ,dan si pelakon itu sedar yang rupa-rupanya kesemua ibu dia telah tiada. Sayu sangat rasa hati ini.

Konsep teater ini sangatlah unik dan kenapa ianya sangat "mahal" untuk ditonton? Ini kerana setiap pertukaran babak punya daya tarikan serta kelengkapan teknologi yang canggih. Iyelah, siap ada scene air jatuh lagi. Eee , tak nak banyak cakap. Ini antara yang aku boleh kongsikan kepada korang. Tengok ler.. Wow giler!. Aku letak video IGTV disini special untuk korang tengok. Tenok sket-sket je yer!

Image may contain: 3 people, night and crowd
seronok betul muka masuk dalam screen
Yang bestnya kali kedua ler aku tengok sebab aku dapat seat di tengah-tengah memang orang cakap sedap ler nak tengok dari mula sampai habis. Hehehe. Oh ya , teater ini berdurasi selama 75 minit.

Untuk maklumat lanjut , boleh terus hubungi pihak Encore Melaka


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing


Setiap kali tiba musim hari raya , perkara ini antara masalah utama yang aku kena hadap. Bengang jugak lah yela dah setiap tahun kan nak kena hadap. Nak tahu ape? Masalah nak cari baju raya untuk lelaki. Untuk pengetahuan korang , aku dibesarkan dengan mempunyai adik-beradik semua lelaki. Bayangkan terhimpit aku seorang perempuan nak melayan kerenah dan nak hadap masalah ini setiap tahun.

Menjadi rutin setiap tahun aku kena mengalah. Mengalah untuk biarkan adik-beradik aku shopping baju raya diorang dulu. Iya betul! Dalam keluarga aku pula , kitorang memang jenis suka shopping last minit. Jenis malas nak tempah-menempah baju. So , korang boleh bayangkan macam mana kelam-kabut keluarga aku lagi-lagi bila nak shopping baju raya. Hahaha. Oh ya , dalam keluarga aku pula macam tak kisah sangat nak baju sedondon ke tidak tapi aku ler yang selalunya nak sedondon dan suai padankan warna supaya nanti bila bergambar nampak ler sedap mata memandang.

Stress ke tidak shopping dengan adik-beradik lelaki? Jawapannya tak la sangat. Tapi kadang stress juga. Hahaha. Sebab citarasa masing-masing tak sama. Macam aku ni pula jenis akan tengok design dan material baju tu sesuai ke tidak dengan harganya. Yela, kadang tu design biasa sangat , “its too simple” orang Johor cakap tapi harga kemain Yahudi mahal. Isu-isu macam gini juga boleh buat aku macam tak puas hati.
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Kurta oh kurta

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Kemeja pun ada jugak! Kacax kan!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing
Yang ini limited edition punya! kemain siap bergambo dengan Pak Inche , Suami Kak seri

Bercakap tentang shopping raya ini aku nak kongsikan pengalaman aku sejak dari kecil lagi. Kami sekeluarga memang dari kecil akan shopping baju raya di Plaza Angsana Johor Bahru . Tapi disini majoritinya banyak menjual baju raya untuk perempuan dan sangat sedikit pilihan untuk baju raya lelaki. Kesian betul dekat adik-beradik aku kan, malah lagi bertambah stress sebab tak banyak pilihan. Aku rasa pada mereka yang tinggal di sekitar Johor Bahru dan Singaporean memang selalu akan shopping disini. Nampak tak kalau lambat ‘cop’, habis semua design yang herlok-herlok.

Buat apa nak stress rebut-merebut kalau dah jumpa mana yang sesuai dihati! Iya betul. Pada tahun ini kami dah jumpa mana yang berkenan di hati! Butik pakaian jenama Kacax telah berjaya meng’kacak’kan abang aku untuk tahun ini. Aku cakap dengan abang aku , “kau pakai baju melayu dalam setahun berapa kali je kan? Jadi apa salahnya tahun ni kau pilih kurta pulak. Ada kelainan sedikit dan kurta juga boleh dipakai pada bila-bila masa. Takde la pakai sekali je dalam setahun”. Hahaha. Nampak ke nampak sebenarnya adik dia yang perempuan ni sangat complicated!

Tapi, Kacax telah berjaya buat hati aku gembira sangat tahun ini. Rasa macam tak sabarnya nak beraya! Hahaha. Sebabnya , jenama Kacax ni dah menjadi sebutan abang aku sejak dari tahun lepas. “Kau nak tahu Ain , tadi dekat masjid punya ler ramai orang pakai baju jenama Kacax”. Aku masih ingat itu la yang diungkapkan oleh abang aku pada pagi raya selepas dia bersolat di Masjid Jamek Bandar Baru Uda. Dalam hati aku , wow power betul jenama ni sampai ramai betul yang pakai.
Image may contain: 19 people, including Mohamad Hazwan Mohamed Yazid, people smiling, people standing
Kata orang , dah jumpa benda best berdosa tau kalau tak kongsi dengan ramai orang! Hahaha. So, aku nak kongsikan dengan korang suasana serta koleksi-koleksi yang terdapat di Butik Kacax ini. Jangan risau , kalau tak sempat ataupun malas nak walk in ke butik , korang boleh je terus berdesup whatsapp sekarang! Ingat! sekarang yer , bukan besok ,lusa ataupun pagi raya! Semua tu dah lambat. Kalau dah habis nanti , jangan salahkan Ain sebab iolls dan bagitahu awal-awal.

Takde special price ke? Penat baca dari mula sampai dah nak habis ni…Bawa bertenang abang-abang kacak  , kakak-kakak yang cun melecun yang tak sabar nak bagi suami dan anak dia hensem tu… Aku bagitahu cara mudah untuk korang dapat special price.

Caranya ialah :

  • ·         Walk-in Butik
Kalau nak datang ke butik , screenshot sesiap kod dekat dalam blog aku ni. Buat sekarang!


  • ·         Nak beli online
Klik sahaja link ini…

Aku dah bagi dua cara mudah ini.. Apa tunggu lagi .. Serang sekarang! Ingat baju raya lelaki , Ingat Kacax! Jangan tunggu sampai dah habis stok baru nak tanya “Saiz ni ade tak ? warna ni ade lagi ke?. Semua tu dah terlambat..” Jangan biarkan raya anda terlalu hambar hanya disebabkan sehelai baju!

Psstt : nak bagitahu jugak , tengah berjalan promosi BUY&FLY dengan Kacax serta Kacax juga ada buka booth di level 2 Angasana JB Mall.
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Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling


“Asyik baju melayu je setiap tahun, tahun ni cer try kurta pulak! Lagipun kurta ni anytime kau boleh pakai”- Itu ler yang aku cakap dekat abang aku. Gais, adik beradik aku semua lelaki.The problem yang selalu aku hadap ialah bile nak pilih baju raya,aku selalu kena mengalah dulu. Sebabnya.. baju raya lelaki tak banyak pilihan. Tapi, deka Kacax ni banyak pilihan woi. Kaler and design dia pun bermacam-macam. Jom shoping baju raya NOW!! Sebelum stok habis licin dan kedai, Boleh beli on9 jugak atau walk in di butik. Baca ni... Aku nak bagi special Price since korang dah tengok video ni sampai habis.. Screenshot PROMO BLOG ini sekarang! Dan whatsapp ke link ini Sekarang! Bukan esok ,bukan lusa,bukan jugak pagi raya! Tapi buat sekarang!! #kurta #kurtakacax #kurtamurah #kurtalelaki #kurtamoden #kurtaraya #kurtaslimfit #kurtabudak #kurtacantik #kurtababy #kurtacotton #kurta2019 #kurtakids #kurtaonline #kurtadewasa #kurtaborong #kurtastylo
A post shared by akuainkausiapa 🦋 (@sheisfarahain) on

>>>Jangan lupa untuk tonton video IGTV ain ni! Follow juga KACAX 


Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and people sleeping


Pagi ini hari yang memenatkan untuk aku. Semalam seharian aku penuh dengan event pagi sampai ke malam sampaikan aku malas gila nak angkat kepala pagi ini. Sampai semalam aku sendiri tak sedar pukul berapa aku tertidur. Begitu dasyat sekali aku yang kepenatan. Bila kepenatan dah mula menguasai diri , mula lah semuanya jadi MALAS! Semuanya jadi MERIMASKAN dan paling aku tak suka bila datang satu perasaan ini. Perasaan nak GIVE UP dari semua yang aku sedang kerjakan. 

Pagi ini juga aku hampir tarik diri dari melaksanakan beberapa job sebab aku PENAT sangat! Tapi , bila dapat kata-kata semangat dari Sis Lin , "buat lah Ain pelan -pelan ..." Aku terus rasa nak menitik air mata , aku ni memang cepat give up kan. Tapi bila dapat kata-kata semangat dari orang yang percaya aku boleh , terus aku siapkan!.

Hati ini masih lagi berat nak siapkan kerja disebabkan oleh hari ini HARI PEKERJA! Gila apa orang syok-syok bercuti aku dok sibuk depan laptop menyelesaikan kerja-kerja. Gila sangat! Sampailah aku terjumpa satu video ini. Video ini memgubah terus mood aku yang sememangnya kelaut sungguh! Aku rasa aku ni MANUSIA TAK BERSYUKUR! 

Dahla aku ni TAK CACAT , kaki tangan semua cukup tapi LEMAK sangat, bila kerja yang susah-susah terus malas dan rasa cepat give up! Ish , tak boleh jadi ni... Ain kau nak berjaya kan...kau tengok video ni..kau ingat sehari kalau dia give up , dia boleh ke capai apa yang dia ada sekarang? TAK KAN. 

Ini antara petikan dalam video yang benar- benar menyentuh hati ini :
Aku melihat ramai yg malas untuk ubah hidup sendiri  , ramai yg suke bg bermacam alasan bile bekerja, ramai yg cepat giveup bile ade cabaran !! Ramai cube memilih untuk kerja senang , taknak susah , lebih memilih kehidupan susah tanpa usaha dengan kuat , sanggup berhenti kerja dan mengangur bertahun2 atas dasar ego boleh bergerak sendiri dan sanggup melihat keluarga dan org sekeliling susah, Paling terkesan nak bg duit mak dan ayah, family pun tak mampu ... Aku sedih !!! Terdetik keinginan aku untuk bantu mereka ...  Jadi aku bangkit!!! Aku cuba buktikan pada masyarakat the best kehidupan adalah atas dasar bersyukur .. bersyukur dengan nikmat yg allah beri dan jangan sia2 kan , aku bangkit untuk beri manfaat pada org lain . Aku nak satu dunia nampak hanya 3 jari dan satu akal aku dpt melihat kegembiraan , senyuman ramai org2 disekeliling aku ..  Kini aku sedar .. untuk berjaya dlm kehidupan , pekerjaan , mahupun bisnes bukan mudah . Tetapi atas keinginan yg kuat , kasih syg yg hebat , keberanian yg tinggi , suka berlajar dan improve diri , dan juga seorang yg berkomitmen tinggi membawa aku ketahap sekarang .. Dan semua value yg ade dlm diri aku akan aku bawakan kedalam semua team aku dan masyarakat untuk mereka bangkit , bersemangat , dan berjaya !!! Akhir kata ... kalau aku ada 3 jari dan akal mampu membina kehidupan sendiri dan kebahagiaan org sekeliling .. anda ade berapa jari untuk ubah kehidupan?? Usia semakin meningkat, jangan tunggu lagi.. kite je mampu ubah diri kita!! khairulnizamofficial
Image may contain: 2 people, people eating and people sitting


DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru Champions for a Positive Change in Communities with its First Ever Soap-Recycling Program

DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru Champions for a Positive Change in Communities with its First Ever Soap-Recycling Program

Johor Bahru, 28 January 2019 – DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru recently collaborated with Diversey and Kechara Soup Kitchen Society Johor Bahru for its inaugural soap-recycling program, Soap for Hope. This soap-recycling program marks a first of its kind to take place within a Hilton hotel in Malaysia.

“It truly is an honor to be the first Hilton hotel in Malaysia to champion a campaign that is part of Hilton’s commitment to repurposing used goods for community needs that helps to give back to society,” said Daniel Alcaraz, General Manager of DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru.
Andrew Lam the Director of Operations of DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru ; Daniel Alcaraz the General Manager of DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru and Haizir Mohd Yunos the IT Executive of DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru
This innovative ‘Soap for Hope’ program pioneered by Diversey, is to recycle used soaps which focuses on three core objectives – saving lives by providing access to soap to communities who need soap but have no access; to provide livelihood to the local community through recycling and reprocessing soap to help hotels reduce waste by turning used soap into something useful again.

Alcaraz further commented, “This is a great initiative to not only preserve the environment but also support our local communities in need and together with the help of Diversey and Kechara, we can make a huge difference around us.”

In line with Hilton’s corporate responsibility, Travel with Purpose, this collaboration supports Hilton’s goal to double its investment in social impact and cut environment footprint in half by the year 2030.
Attendees participating in the Soap making workshop
“To date, Hilton hotels all over the world are doing their part in soap recycling. Over 437,000 kg of soaps has been recycled in Hilton Asia Pacific alone and that amounts to 3.5 million new soap bars, how amazing is that!” said Alcaraz. “While the concept of soap recycling is still very new in Malaysia, we have already managed to recycle 24,000 kg of soap and that amounts to 191,000 new soap bars.”

To date globally, Hilton hotels across 127 countries have successfully participated in their very own Soap for Hope campaigns to recycle all guests used soap bars, and will continue to take place with all other properties around the world in committing to sending zero soap to landfills by the year 2030.

“By sending zero soaps to landfills we are not only giving back to the community but also saving lives” said Alcaraz. “Many children lose their lives due to poor sanitization and that breaks our hearts. As the leading hospitality company in the world, we intend to do our part in making the world a better place for the communities around us.”
Final product from the Soap making workshop
In addition to its soap-recycling program, Hilton leads many sustainability initiatives through Hilton's Travel with Purpose corporate responsibility strategy that helps to impact the world both socially and environmentally. From reducing food waste to cutting water usage in operations by 50% and to giving back to the community by volunteering, creating opportunities for all regardless of race, gender or orientation, Hilton commits itself to a driving a positive social and environmental change.

“From here, we can only be moving upwards. We intend to take this to the next level and with the help of the Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH), we will be doing just that,” said Alcaraz. “From hotel to hotel then city to city, slowly we will gather each individual hotel in Johor to recycle their used soaps as a form of giving back to the community.” 

For more information on the hotel, kindly visit DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru.


trove johor bahru
TROVE Johor Bahru is NOW OPEN!


TROVE Johor  Bahru, part of Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts (CLHR), today announced the brand's first-of-its-kind collaboration with 2 local Johor artists. The collaboration, aptly named Project Local Love, features two distinctive artworks that pays homage to the local heritage of arts and crafts in pop art style. Unveiled for the first time on 16th September during the hotel's soft launch, each of the 95 themed Standard Rooms at TROVE features one of 2 murals, further enhancing guests' stay experience. The subject of each piece centers around local music, delicacies and architecture, helping guests discover their destination through the brand's philosophy: Experiences Unconfined.

"We are thrilled to partner with both artists, Mulo and Jaie Ramlee. Each individual work is inspired by the rich heritage of Johor," said Ian Gan, Director Representative for Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts. "The collaborative effort with such celebrated local artists conveys a very unique story in an unexpected way, offering our curious and creative-minded guests a richer experience and a new lens to unlock the local destination."

Samantha Liew, General Manager of TROVE Johor Bahru, added, "We are pleased to partner with all 2 artists to enrich our guets' experience. TROVE is devoted to fostering local connections, adding a layer of culture and artistry to its local heritage. This collaboration also alludes to the fact that, in each destination, there are unlimited opportunities for discovery."

"With its passion for arts and culture, the TROVE brand is an ideal platform to share our inspirations and aspirations for art, bringing them to an audience that appreciates modern aesthetics and the emotions they evoke," said Mulo, from Rumah Ikan Kolektif, an art collective made up of art and visual professionals based in Johor Bahru. "Our work with TROVE embodies our joint appreciation of Johor Bahru and its diverse local culture, as well as the magic that lies behind the discovery of new placesmin greater depth."
trove johor bahru
The christmas celebration

Visualizing Music through Mulo's 'Local Echo'

Mulo is Malaysian based, self-taught artist, designer, from Johor Bahru. He has been working for numerous creative agencies over the course of 5 years, before becoming a fulltime freelance artist in 2018. Mulo is known for his manga-inspired illustrations, notably the vivid burst of colours combined with his signature touch of local flair- sometimes you'll get to see nusantara warriors and kapcai bikes appearing in his illustrations.

Inspired by music,robots, sci-fi, anime, manga, Japan, tribes, childlike imagination, subcultures and anomalies, Mulo is also known for designing art and creating imaginative character work for businesses such as AirAsia, ISetan, JB Arts Festival, Kult Magazine and JOHO.

His artwork titled Local Echo raises the question- what is life without music? "The sound of our own heritage should always echo in our minds. Be it classical, folk, or even contemporary, traditional music has always brought joy to our ancestor's ears even since the pre-colonial era" Mulo explains. He also adds that the artwork is a "dedication of love and a show of respect towards classical instruments such as kompang, tabla, gambus, and pifa, with every note forever resonating in our hearts."
trove johor bahru
One of the nice decoration rooms at TROVE

Amalgamation of Past and Present through Jaie Ramlee's ' A Glance of Memory'

Jaie Ramlee started her career as an illustrator and designer in her hometown of Batu Pahat, Johor. She captures the essence of anything that interest her by sketching as it translates words and emotion into visuals. "My sketchbook is both my best friend and my tutor" she said, adding that she finds sketching as the best way to generate ideas and improve her skills.

Her mural, dubbed A Glance of Memory, focuses on Johor Bahru, a town founded in 1855 that is rapidly embracing urbanization yet steadfastly holding on to its 19th century roots."The colonial buildings are well maintained even with new and trendy establishments coming up around it" said Jaie.

Her mural depicts a slice of Johor Bahru; a row of shops in a small street. There are road signs to highlight several popular spots in the area, which she says may ignite the desire for others to pay a visit to this charming town. She further explains that the building composition that varies from one to the other captures the hustle and bustle of the city. "It is indeed a busy place that provides you with almost anything; your everyday needs, apparels, sustenance, arts, culture and more - it's a perfect spot for tourists' and explorers alike."
trove johor bahru
Grand Opening Trove Johor Bahru

TROVE X Community

TROVE Johor Bahru will continue to forge collaborations with local artists and innovators, who are inspired by the dynamic culture, art, and cuisine of the locale. TROVE's future plans include collaborations with mixologists, baristas, celebrity chefs, and artisans from various fields.

pic credit : Facebook TROVE Johor Bahru


pulau belitung
Danau Kaolin


Di Indonesia , bilang "Dadadada" yang membawa maksud "Bye bye bye.." Hahaha. Teringat masa di Museum Kata Andrea Hirata , semasa tour guide kami cakap "yuk kita da da da di kameranya" lalu Kak Sunah berkata "dada?" Hahaha. Sambil buat gaya tak boleh blah dia tu. Nampak je gegurl kak Sun tu, sekali dah keluar perangai giler dia tu, habis berdekah aku gelak. Oh, lupa Kak Sunah ialah roomate Belitung kuh! Hahaha. So, kami diminta check out awal. Aku dengan Kak Sun nak senang jalan, terus kemas bawak beg semua turun lepastu terus breakfast. Tak payah nak naik dua kali. Tapi ternaik dua kali juga. Kitorang naik dekat rooftop paling atas. Cantik sangat viewnya.

So kemanakah tempat pertama yang kami pergi? Kami ke Rumah Adat. Nah, disinilah dihimpunkan adat dan budaya masyarakat disitu, bagaimana pakaiannya , makanannya. Tak lama sangat berada disini kami terus ke Tanjung Pendam. Mula-mula kami group photo dulu beramai-ramai sebagai tanda kenangan berada disini. Nah, selepas itu kami pekena kopi kaw sedap seh dekat depan je Tanjung Pendam tu. Lepas dah menghilangkan dahaga kami pula dibawa ke Wan Bie untuk merasa Mie Belitung. Fuh, Mie Belitung ni di sajikan bersama dengan belinjau yang pahit tu. Tapi selepas diadun bersama dengan kuahnya, wow sedap. Tekak aku boleh menerimanya. Oh ya, kami juga dihidangkan bersama dengan Es Jeruk Ais. Peh, terbeliak terus mata. Hahahah.
pulau belitung
Kami di depan Rumah Adat

pulau belitung
Di depan Pantai Tanjung Pendam

pulau belitung
Ngopi duluan dong

pulau belitung
Kopi Coklat Susu Es

pulau belitung
Es Jeruk 

pulau belitung
Mie Belitung
Akhirnya, sebelum ke airport untuk berangkat pulang, kami singgah ke Danau Kaolin. Cantik sangat tempatnya. Kata orang, ini tempat yang memang wajib singgah la untuk bergambar tanda kenangan dah jejak ke Pulau Belitung. Dekat sini juga sempat berangan sekejap , sebenarnya tak ada lah berangan cuma berbisik di dalam hati "Tuhan ni dengar je angan-angan aku kan...aku pernah berangan nak berjalan-jalan vacation dengan geng katak iaitu Sis Lin dan Kak Sunah... Tiberrrr kauuu..Dia makbulkan...Syukur sangat..Kerna Dia dengar angan-angan aku...kena banyak berangan ler lepas ni...Berangan pasal crush sket..kot jadi kenyataan dak!" Hahaha.

Sampai la masanya untuk kami "Da da da Wahai Bumi Laskar Pelangi" . Aku rasa lah , aku mau kembali lagi ke sini kerna aku sudah jatuh cinta kan sama kamu! Udah ku bilang sebelumnya kan. Hahaha. Terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada pihak MTN Getaways kerana menyediakan pakej yang sangat superb tiptop 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
pulau belitung
Otty sama Harry tour guide yang terbaik
pulau belitung
Tuu..belakang tuh lah pesawat nya..

pulau belitung
Muka sedih betul aku tuhh...hahaha.
Kepada yang terlepas cerita aku jatuh cinta di Bumi Laskar Pelangi ini, ayuh klik disini #awakcutimanaBelitung . Kepada yang nak menjejaki ke Pulau Belitung , jom check it out disini..
Website :

kalau mahu lihatin lagi fotornya , kamu orang langsung terus ke instagram gue di @farahainzfa dan @awakcutimana 



trove johor bahru

TROVE Johor Bahru is a destination for the cultured tourist, who seeks more from their stay just run-of-the-mill service, to whom experience and authenticity mean more than frills and features.

TROVE Johor Bahru marked its Grand Opening on 18th December 2018, making it the fourth hotel launched under the Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts (CLHR) Management Group. The first three properties under the CLHR Management Group are Hotel Granada Johor Bahru, Tunamaya Beach & Spa Resort Desaru Coast and Tunamaya Beach & Spa Resort Tioman Island.

CLHR acquired Hotel Selesa and Metropolis Tower located on Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir in Q1 of 2017 and has been renovating the hotel block ever since. The renovation project extends throughout every corner of the building, from giving a much-needed facelift to the 283 rooms, relocating the swimming pool to constructing a brand new pillarless ballroom.

"As TROVE Johor Bahru is fully opened its doors, we do believe that this will lift the bar for fellow players and affiliates in the local tourism industry as well as vying for the top spot of the best hospitality provider in the making," said Ian Gan, Director Representative of Care Luxury Hotels & Resorts in his speech.
trove johor bahru
Sis Lin , Sunah Sakura , Ain , Faradidi
TROVE Johor Bahru's 283 themed rooms are spread across 27 floors- Local Love pays homage to the local heritage of arts and crafts in pop art style; Into the Woods lets you escape into Johor's natural heritage; Straits Affair invites you to discover Johor Bahru's early significance as a trading post ; Fun with Geometry showcases conventional designs and motifs with a modern twist and Precious Moments from the Arabic word Jauhar (jewel) lets you experience local luxury in an array of well-appointed rooms. Each sanctuary commands a magnificent view of the Johor Bahru city skyline and captures the splendor and charm of Johor's storied past, an excellent starting point to explore the city.

The thematic rooms are equipped with water dispenser, high speed wireless internet, a smart TV, ironing facilities, mini bar, and safe box for the convenienceof travelers.

Iskandar Malaysia has strategically placed TROVE Johor Bahru in Zone A  and with the steady and progressive development of Johor Bahru, the hotel is in close proximity to major business hubs, shopping centres and tourist attractions. In addition to that, the development and administrative centre of Iskandar Puteri is only 20 minutes away by road from the hotel.

With the Second Link Highway, the hotel has become easily accessible from Singapore and it is also a few minutes' drive from the Causeway.

The quality of local and international cuisines offered at the dining outlets within the hotel is enhanced with the skilled knowledge of the dedicated kitchen team. The culinary offers at TROVE Johor Bahru caters to all discerning taste buds, from fine international fusion food at Lada & Clove and casual cocktails by the pool at Le Bar. Innovative menus and buffet promotions have been initiated to provide guests with diverse culinary concepts and unique dining experiences.
trove johor bahru
kredit semua gambar : Sis Lin
The hotel's superb meetings and events facilities makes TROVE Johor Bahru a prime and unique destination to hold meetings, conferences, corporate trainings, exhibitions, product launches, weddings and banquets. The Grand Columbus Ballroom seats up to 800 guests for a wedding banquet, or for an evening reception. This elegant space has no pillars, adding to the sense of space and grandeur. Futhermore, the 6 seminar rooms- Santa Maria , La Pinta, Enterprise , Voyager , Nautilus and Explorer's Room can be hired in any combination and layout required.

In addition to the adult and children's swimming pools and outdoor recreational facilities, the cylinder glass panel fitness centre features a full cardio setup, from stationary bikes to treadmills, stair climbers and elliptical machines. Guests can also enjoy other available facilities in the hotel such as an alternative food joint, Aroi Thai that offers splendid and affordable Thai cuisines or unwind after a busy day at Marquee Bistro and Wan Jia Therapy & Reflexology.