Kahlenberg Danish Cookies : Biscuit Chocolate Chips Premium Sedap

Hai . Where do i start to discover this product ?. At the Tesco Bukit Indah . When the promoter girl said the words " Hi abang akak , promosi biskut 10 pek 10 Ringgit je " . At first when i saw the booth seems not interested but when i heard she said like that , it make my feeling to turn out and see what the promotion is all about . 

OMG ! When i saw the booth sell (biskut tin) in such a premium packaging , i was like why not give it a try ! . So , i decided to go around the booth and see what is nice product to buy . 

The (biskut tin) remind me of my childhood memories where by during some occasions like Hari Raya , New Year my parents normally will receive a bunch of hamper as a gift . That hamper contained such as this premium biskut tin ! OMG !!!! DAH KENAPA aku tulis in english ?. Ke sebab jenama biskut ni susah nk nyebut and nampak macam have have gitu , so we must speaking speaking gitu ?. Hahaha .

Kalau diingat kembali zaman kecik kecik dulu kalau dapat biskut ni rasa macam wow biskut orang kaya ! Hahaha . Ain beli 3 tin masa tu offer 3 Tin macam gitu RM 20 . Pastu , promoter tu pandai tau terus register kan member card . Kihkihkih . Maybe for the next purchase nanti boleh dapat harga diskaun . 
How about the taste of this biscuit?. Hahaha . Dia tak macam rasa chocolate chips yang selalu dipasaran rata -rata memang manis kedaung . Manis gila . Cookies ni dia rasa banyak butter  and the chips pulak tak lah terjojol banyak macam biskut coklat chips yang lain . 

Kahlenberg Danish Cookies ni sesuai makan hitea cicah dengan teh o atau kopi  . Atau pun buat breakfast pun boleh . Bukan itu sahaja , ni sekarang kan tengah musim Stay At Home , jadi nya sesuai la untuk kudapan sambil layan Netflix dan menonton Tv tu. 

*Ada lagi 2 tin tak buka lagi . 

1 ulasan:

Blog ini merupakan blog peribadi yang ain jadikan sebagai 'Diary of the day'.Sorry la kadang ain guna, “ain” kadang “aku”.Perasaan membaca ni kadang lagi sedap ber “aku”.Kes itu kita letak terus “akuainkausiapa”.Hahaha.