Aku saja saja tulis tentang ini. Ceh tak ada lah saja-saja sangat. Ianya lebih kepada appreciation post. Gituww. Lately ni bila dah umur doploh tujuh kan , kita dah tak ada perasaan berkawan macam masa budak-budak dulu. Dulu-dulu , kalau orang tu tak nak berkawan dengan kita, peh kita punya menyirap habis satu sekolah nak canang. Sekarang? Mampu gelak ha ha ha  , aku ketawaaaa, terasa aku tak tentu arah.. Eh ternyanyi pulak!

kualiti in being friendship!

Okay,please be more serius Ain! Aku perasan sekarang aku lagi suka kekalkan pada kualiti in being friendship. Dulu-dulu masa zaman-zaman belajar, aku ni boleh dikategorikan ramai kawan la. Sebab aku memang suka berkawan. Aku suka make alot of friends. Kalau boleh lagi ramai, lagi ramailah aku nak berkawan. Sampai kadang-kadang aku terlupa untuk menjaga sensitiviti sesama mereka. Yelah , kadang tu kawan A tak boleh masuk dengan kawan B. Aku ni pulak boleh gabungkan semua. Habis ler spoil mood.

Tapi sekarang aku lebih kepada mengekalkan kualiti lah berbanding kuantiti. Pada aku, siapa yang sudi menerima buruk dan baiknya aku, okay aku terima. Haa,camtu sekali. Aku tak suka nak berkawan dengan people yang high maintainance. Meaning to say, nak kena ikut standard have-have dia. No no no. Dont simply close to a friends macam gitu. Aku tahu ada jer orang yang suka macam gitu. Kawan dengan orang tu sebab nak jaga standard, oh dia anak orang kaya. Oh, that was not me at all.

But,lately ni. Aku boleh kategorikan tahun 2018 ialah tahun aku Move On. Move on dari segi banyak perkara. Hahaha. Bukan move on dari segi perasaan je yer. Like literally banyak benda yang aku move on in a positive way. Termasuklah dalam friendship. Dalam pada ketika ini lah, aku tersedar yang siapa la yang sudi menerima aku ni. Menerima lemahnya aku, buruknya perangai aku. Itu yang aku sumpah terharu. Sebenarnya aku rasa itu lah rezeki yang Tuhan berikan kepada aku. Rezeki ni ada banyak sumbernya kan. Ramai orang yang sudi nak berkawan dengan kita pun satu rezeki kan. Sebab aku pernah doa ," Ya Allah , Engkau temukanlah aku dengan hamba-hambamu yang sudi membantu aku , yang memudahkan urusan harianku ya Allah". Nah , Dia temukan aku. Nampak tak jangan main-main dengan doa.

Aku just nak cakap terima kasih terutama kepada kawan-kawan aku yang dari childhood, senang cakap budak-budak Bandar Baru Uda la, (where the place i born and live)😜 opps,kalau terjodoh dekat sini ke opps #mycrush #kantoipulak. Korang yang masih boleh terima ain yang gila-gila, selekeh dan serabai, gelak bersepah dan sewaktu dengannya. Thanks beb! A million thanks jugak kepada sistur kuh iaitu geng JDT Blogger. Gais, sisterhood diorang sangatlah best weh. Lagi-lagi aku yang budak baru nak up #bbnu ni, diorang sangatlah banyak membantu dan memberikan sokongan kepada aku. Semoga Tuhan mengekalkan persahabatan kita ni sampai ke syurga kan.😇

Kawan tak perlu ramai , cukup dia ada waktu kita perlukan dia...dan kita ada waktu dia perlukan kita..

SDS Unveils Aromatic Christmas’s Deal, Bringing Surprise to Kids

SDS Unveils Aromatic Christmas’s Deal, Bringing Surprise to Kids

SDS has launched its Christmas menu and cake selections at their outlets and e-commerce.


JOHOR BAHRU, 28/1/2018 – Festive doesn’t meant for just one day. Christmas has no exception as it is usually celebrated since November. While the street is slowly adapting to the festive, SDS has become the latest to hop on the Christmas bandwagon to introduce their festive menu, and also cakes for celebration.

Alongside old favourites, SDS has added several new ideas to their festive menu to make any mouth water. “Jolly Platter” which completed by SDS Christmas best seller, Roasted Herb Whole Chicken is added into Christmas menu this year. Heavy with the aroma of herbs, SDS deeply marinated Roasted Herb Whole Chicken which served with baby potato, carrot, chicken sausages, onion ring, rocky sauce, and BBQ sauce is suitable for 3 to 4 persons sharing, available at RM79.90++.

Customers who like to celebrate Christmas at home can choose to take away SDS Roasted Herb Whole Chicken as well. SDS member card holder is eligible for 10% discount when purchase one bird package. Large gathering may choose to take away two birds package at RM129.90 nett. Warm bag is available for free with every take away purchase of SDS Roasted Herb Whole Chicken. Pre-order 3 days in advanced is required for “Jolly Platter” for dine-in and also take away, and will be readily available on 23rd to 25th December.


Apart from that, “Ho Ho Ho Chicken” which best suits for couple dining is also reintroduced by SDS after overwhelming responses gained in previous year. Available at RM33.90++, the whole spring chicken is served with baby potato, carrot, lattice and rocky sauce. Fish lovers may savour “Santa Fresh Catch” which having grilled salmon as the main character on plate and other seafood such as shrimps, clams, and mixed mushrooms, topped with specialty sauce and lime crema, available at RM35.90++. “Christmas Dip”, nachos with chicken and cheese dip first introduced by SDS at RM13.90++ is definitely the best choice for tea time gathering.

Apart from food, artisan beverages launched for Christmas menu by SDS this year, which are “Messy Christmas” and “Gift From The Above” are certainly photogenic during festive celebration. The purple sweet potato drink, “Messy Christmas” brewed with farm fresh milk and chocolate powder on top, is available for add-on to SDS Christmas meal at RM6.90++ and a la carte at RM9.90++. Whereas, “Gift From The Above”, the watermelon chocolate drink with Oreo and peanut is available for add-on to Christmas series at RM8.90++ and a la carte at RM11.90++.


“Christmas is a time for special treats and gathering,” said Ms. Rachel Liem, Marketing Manager of SDS.

“It should be celebrated merrily before a brand new year begin. Since we launched our Christmas meals earlier before Christmas, customers will have more reasons and time to gather and review the past whole year, while enjoying delish Christmas feast.”

SDS Christmas meal is available at SDS café till 1st January 2019.

A party without cake is just a meeting. A unique Christmas cake is definitely essential for a jolly Christmas party. SDS launches a series of well-loved traditional and novel Christmas cakes, ranges from RM58 to RM72 accordingly. “Winter Holiday”, the Gelato cake with chocolate sponge and “Cookies & Cream” Gelato, is the coolest indulgent for everyone living in this hot weather country. Camera-ready Christmas cakes such as “Here Comes Santa” which made with aromatic Earl Grey, “Santa Town”, and “Christmas Tiramisu”, are designed to be eye-catching and worthy to share on social media. Classic yule log cake, “X’mas Log Cake” which specially made by chocolate swiss roll is also available in SDS Christmas series.

SDS isn’t wasting any time in spreading festive cheer, especially to kids. Their most significant Christmas cake, “Santa House”, the hand-crafted chocolate house is stuffed with secret toy inside, which aimed to surprise kids and realize a cheerier Christmas celebration.

SDS Christmas cakes are available for pre-order 3 days in advance till 1st January 2019. 

“We understand that people nowadays are busy and might have no extra time for festive shopping. Therefore, we also launch our Christmas series on our official website for customers to pre-order online and pick-up later to ease their tight festive schedule.” Commented by Ms. Rachel.

SDS Christmas cakes and Roasted Herb Whole Chicken are readily available on SDS online store. Customers may place order on http://sdsgroups.com/christmas/ before 28th December 2019. Besides, special discounts up to 24% available for customers who order Christmas series online from 11th Dec to 13th Dec in accordance with “12.12” online shopping fever.

Along with Christmas celebration, SDS is going to organize Christmas kids drawing contest to unleash their creativity in complete comic with title, “Help Santa to Find SDS” which will be combined and printed as limited edition Christmas greeting card finally. In collaboration with Washington Potatoes, McCain, the contest will be carried out at SDS outlet located at Taman Pelangi on 8th December, 2.30pm. Two categories, which are Year 4 to 6 and Year 7 to 9 available for kids to participate. Early bird who registers before 5th December is eligible for discounted price, RM12.80 nett (usual price: RM15.90). Price inclusive of special kid’s meal and free goodies which included kid’s plate set, water bottle, merchandise and so on. They also stand a chance to win trophy and SDS Christmas meal.

Interested parents may register their kids at http://sdsgroups.com/sds-christmas-card-drawing-contest-2018/. Alternatively, parents can also register for the contest at SDS, Jalan Perang, Taman Pelangi.

According to Ms. Rachel, customers who dine-in at SDS Café with minimum purchase of RM30 or any Christmas cake are entitled to get the limited edition greeting cards. SDS fans can also collect greeting cards from SDS A-LI during SDS roadshows in December while stocks last.
Kindly log on to SDS official Facebook at www.facebook.com/sdsgroups for more details on SDS Christmas promotion and roadshows.

30 outlets of SDS are located at Taman Pelangi, Desaru, Paradigm Mall JB, AEON Bandar Dato’ Onn, AEON Tebrau City (Fanpekka Cafe), Johor Jaya, JB City Square, AEON Kulaijaya, Taman Perling, Taman Universiti, Kota Tinggi, KSL City Mall, AEON Bukit Indah, Larkin Sentral, Plaza Pelangi, S’Mart, Giant Plentong, Masai, Ulu Tiram, Kota Raya, Kangkar Pulai, Setia Indah, Kota Masai, and SDS Bakery at La Boheme AEON Tebrau City, AEON Kulaijaya, AEON Permas Jaya, AEON Bukit Indah, AEON Taman Universiti, and AEON Bandar Dato’ Onn.

SDS is the retail subsidiary of SDS Groups. As a Johor home-grown company, SDS Groups develop its business with three subsidiary brands including SDS, wholesale subsidiaries Top Baker and Daily’s Bakery. Top Baker and Daily’s Bakery are bakery product suppliers and wholesalers delivering delectable bread to Nationwide daily. New factory launched in Seremban has begun its operation producing products.

SDS which is well-recognized in Johor region for its quality confectionery products valuable for money and excellent customer service. Since 1987, SDS continuously invents new creations monthly to keep customer’s excitement in SDS products. Aligned with the Share, Dine, Smile motto – SDS envisions to give its valued customer the most unique and enjoyable dining experience.

The wide array of SDS confectionery includes bread, pastries, cakes, western food, local food, casual dining, coffee and beverages, buffet catering, festive cookies and hampers, mooncakes, baby full moon and wedding gift sets. 

Official website http://www.sdsgroups.com
Official Facebook www.facebook.com/sdsgroups
Official hashtags: #sdsgroups #ilovesds



aku ain kau siapa
ni lah aku..aku jenis pakai tudung hentam keromo weh.hahaha.

Waktu aku menaip ini sekitar jam 2:20 pagi. Aku tak boleh tidur. Sungguh rasa sayu gila hati ini. "Tuhan, apa lagi yang Engkau hantarkan padaku?" Satu perasaan yang dah lama aku pernah rasa. Pastu aku lupakan.

Aku pernah dulu buat, tapi sekerat jalan. Sebab aku rasa perasaan tak jadi diri sendiri. This is the things about me. Aku suka jadi diri aku sendiri..tapi, tentang ini..

Aku nangis. Aku jadi suka tengok perempuan yang melabuhkan tudungnya. Yer, aku kategori perempuan tudung singkat. Dulu sekejap aku pernah lah cuba-cuba labuhkan tudung. Tapi benda tuh sekerat jalan je. Aku kembali lagi pakai hentam keromo. Sedihnya rasa. Ala, sambil aku menaip ini, air mata terkeluar woi. Gila betul perasaan ini.

Dulu, aku pernah jadi perempuan "coverline". Konon sanggup pakai cardigan kalau aku pakai baju lengan pendek. Just to impress lelaki yang aku suka. Tapi, hampeh. Entahlah, tentang aurat ini. Aku memang tak berani nak cakap besar. Cukup aku hanya pandang pada diri sendiri sahaja. Sedihnya rasa. Kenapa aku jenis perempuan serabai ehk bila pakai tudung? Aku macam alaaa asal boleh , janji aku pakai tudung dah. Settle. Kenapa? Hahaha.

Bila refresh semula tengok balik aku ni, aah la memang kau perempuan selekeh serabai pun Ain! Aku tak mintak banyak. Mungkin yang baca ini boleh doakan yang terbaik untuk aku. Aku malu sebenarnya nak publish benda ini, yela.. Aku takut sangat nak cakap pasal ini. Tapi, Allah bukan saja-saja hantar perasaan ini kan? Dia hantar untuk aku sendiri yang sedar. Tapi, aku keliru. Aku nak melabuhkan tudung aku ini ikhlas kerana Dia atau just to impress someone? Benda ni yang aku tak nak lagi berlaku.. Hmm.

Terus aku tekan #tutorialtudung dekat Instagram, aku save mana yang aku nampak herlok dimata. Insyallah. Tak cuba mana nak tahu kan. Oh, pesanan penaja lagi-lagi yang dekat dengan aku, kalau nampak ain selekeh serabai tu, tolong betulkan tudung ain yer! Tak ape, ain lagi suka. Sebab dulu masa ibu ada, dia yang betulkan tudung ain, dia yang ikatkan rambut ain kalau pergi sekolah dulu. Sekarang, i need to do all by myself. Ain dah terbiasa hidup dengan lelaki. Aku tetap perlukan sokongan kawan-kawan perempuan supaya aku jadi lebih perempuan. Kahkahkah. Kbai. ❤️

*sebenarnya masa aku tak boleh tidur ni, aku up dekat instagram story, "tak boleh tido", kak Sunah woi kan aku..aku nak mengadu benda ni dekat dia, tapi aku malu sangat! ni dah terbagitau dekat diari ain.haa, paham sendiri lah melayan adik ain yang blur dan slow ni.hahahha.(opps,ter adik pulak) puih.kbai!